It was a lover and his lass

- 1. It was a lover and his lass,
with a hey, and a ho, and a hey
nonni no, and a hey nonni no.
That o’er the green cornfield did
pass in springtime,
in springtime, in springtime,
the only pretty ringtime,
when birds do sing,
hey ding a ding a ding,
hey ding a ding a ding,
hey ding a ding a ding;
sweet lovers love the spring. - 2. Between the acres of the rye,
with a hey, and a ho, and a hey nonnino.
These pretty country folks would lie,
in springtime... - 3. This carol they began that hour, ...
How that a life was but a fl ow’r,
in springtime, … - 4. And therefore take the present time,
with a hey …
For love is crowned with the prime,
in springtime, …
Text: William Shakespeare (1564–1616), aus » As You Like It «
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